Governor’s Forum on Colorado Agriculture set for Feb. 22
Barbara Crimond | Sep 10, 2016 | Comments 0
The Colorado Agricultural Leadership Program (CALP) is proud to host the 26th annual Governor’s Forum on Colorado Agriculture, this year titled “Label it: Agriculture,” and focusing on a future built by collaboration.
The event will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, at the Renaissance Hotel in Denver (3801 Quebec St.)
This innovative and informative program will bring together producers, consumers, experts and other ag stakeholders to peel back the polarizing rhetoric often found in today’s society. Stories can create divisive boundaries in agriculture between organic and conventional; urban and rural; large-scale and small-scale.
The Forum will focus on the powerful history of collaboration and cooperation that has made agriculture in the state of Colorado the second largest driver of our economy. It will challenge and equip attendees to seek out novel alliances and ideas to benefit their own operations, the industry statewide, and beyond.
As they become available, details will be posted at
Filed Under: Agriculture • Consumer Issues • Economy • Education • Featured • Media Release
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