HPCHC Launches National Health Center Week 2016


Laurie Larrick, Vice President of HR and Compliance

National Campaign Celebrates Health Centers as Bipartisan Solutions in Healthcare

A multitude of events around the country are planned as part of National Health Center Week (NHCW). The national campaign runs August 7-13th with the goal of raising awareness about the mission and accomplishments of America’s Health Centers over the course of more than five decades.

One of the bright spots in America’s healthcare system, health centers started over 50 years ago as a pilot project during President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. Today, they have compiled a significant record of success that includes:

  • Producing $24 billion in annual health system savings
  • Reducing unnecessary hospitalizations and unnecessary visits to the emergency room
  • Treating patients for a fraction of the average cost of one emergency room visit
  • Maintaining patient satisfaction levels of nearly 100 percent
  • Generating $26.5 billion in economic activity and over 230,000 jobs
  • Reducing infant mortality rates

Health centers not only prevent illness and foster wellness in the most challenging populations, they produce innovative solutions to the most pressing healthcare issues in their communities. They reach beyond the walls of conventional medicine to address the factors that may cause sickness, such as lack of nutrition, mental illness, homelessness and addiction. Because of their long record of success in innovation, managing healthcare costs, and reducing chronic disease, leaders in Congress have declared health centers a model of care that offers a “bipartisan solution to the primary care access problems” facing our nation.

There are NHCW events scheduled across the country, including health fairs, visits by Members of Congress and state officials to local health centers, press conferences, back-to-school drives, community breakfasts, patient appreciation events, free health screenings and dental cleanings, and much more.

To learn more about NHCW and the listing of events please visit: www.healthcenterweek.org and www.highplainschc.net .

You can also follow the conversation using #NHCW16 or #CHCsInnovate on Twitter.

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