Colorado Pork Producers seek Producers to serve as Board Members
admin | Jul 23, 2016 | Comments 0
The Colorado Pork Producers Council seeks candidates to run for four vacant positions on the CPPC Board of directors. The election will be held August 25 in the Colorado Building, Pueblo, Colorado, at the CPPC annual meeting. The following is the criteria for membership and to run for a board position.
Class A: OWNER/OPERATOR: Any person who is actively engaged in the production of porcine ani-mals in Colorado if the individual is the actual owner/operator of a pig farming enterprise. This person has voting privileges at the Annual Meeting and is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.
Class B: CONTRACT GROWER: Any person who is actively engaged in the pork industry as a contract feeder/grower/ farrower of pigs. This person has voting privileges at the Annual Meeting and is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.
Class C: UPPER MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE: Any person who is actively engaged in the as an employee in an upper management position of a pig farming enterprise and clearly demonstrates a supervisory or management position. This person has voting privileges at the Annual Meeting and is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.
Class D: FORMER PRODUCER: Any person who was formerly engaged in pork production in Colorado less than ten (10) years ago as an owner/ operator or as a contract grower/ feeder/ farrower. This person has voting privileges at the Annual Meeting and is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.
Class E: ALLIED INDUSTRY: Any person who, within the state of Colorado is actively engaged in the pork industry and affiliated with a business or academic institution that provides a product or service to pig producers. This person does not have voting privileges at the Annual Meeting, but is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.
Any person who is a current member of CPPC and meets these criteria, is eligible to run. For more information, and to verify your CPPC membership or to pay your dues to become a member in good standing, contact the CPPC office at (970) 356-4964.
Board terms begin January 1, 2017. More information about the Colorado Pork Producers Council can be found at or call (970) 356-4964.
Filed Under: Agriculture • Consumer Issues • Media Release
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