Plan in Action for LCC’s 77th Commencement
Barbara Crimond | Apr 26, 2016 | Comments 0
(Lamar, Colorado; April 22, 2016) Lamar Community College will host its 77th Annual Commencement on Saturday, May 7, 2016, at the LCC Wellness Center. Over 230 degree or certificate-seeking students are eligible to walk in this year’s commencement ceremony, including fall 2015 graduates as well as spring and summer 2016 candidates for graduation. The ceremony will begin promptly at 10:00 am. No tickets are required for admittance.
Each year, students play a significant role in the commencement celebration. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition,” by Steve Jobs was selected by the Student Government as this year’s quote. Karina Grajeda and Beecher Strube have been selected as the class student speakers. Mya Yordan will perform the National Anthem. The Student Government has also requested that Ian Blacker give the invocation and benediction.
The College has invited Danelle Delgado to be the keynote speaker for the event. Delgado is a loving mother of three, a driven entrepreneur and currently the CEO of Life Intended LLC. She is a native of southeastern Colorado and graduated from the University of Northern Colorado.
Over the past seven years Delgado has built four six-figure earning companies, done millions in sales and even landed an appearance on NBC’s The Apprentice in 2012 as a top sales earner and guest judge on the show. She now runs multiple successful businesses simultaneously and works to transform the lives of every driven entrepreneur who crosses her path via Life Intended, LLC, her 4th company which is a Live Training event platform.
Delgado believes that dreams exist to be realized and that there is “no goal so great, that the right actions couldn’t see it through to fruition.” A sentiment that she will pass on to the LCC graduates as they step into the next phase of their life and into their careers.
To reduce congestion during the ceremony, friends and family members are encouraged to take photos from their seats. Additionally, graduates and their families may choose to take photos before entering the building or after the ceremonies have concluded.
A reception for graduates and their families will follow the celebration.
Family members who are unable to attend may also view the Commencement ceremony via live web streaming. A link will be available on the LCC website at
Parking will be available in the Wellness Center parking lot. Overflow parking will be available in the large student parking lots north of Todd‐Burch Residence Hall, the Betz Technology Center, and the staff parking lot. No parking will be allowed in the borrow ditches west of the Wellness Center.
For more information about Commencement, contact Lamar Community College at 336.1590 or
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