Cattlemen’s Annual Business Meeting/Festivities April 9 in La Junta
Barbara Crimond | Apr 05, 2016 | Comments 0
Bent-Prowers Cattle & Horse Growers Association’s annual meeting, auction, banquet and cowboy ball will rotate to La Junta this weekend. Events are open to the agricultural community, with the majority of events being held at Inspiration Field.
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Saturday for a free educational session designed to certify ranchers of any age in Beef Quality Assurance. Libby Bigler of Colorado State University and Jim Keyes of Utah State University will offer both classroom and hands-on training and animal handling at Best Bet Beeflot, said Bent-Prowers President Pat R. Ptolemy of Swink. See related story for details.
Southeast Colorado CattleWomen will meet at noon at Boss Hoggs. The Southeast Colorado Junior Cattlemen members will start at Inspiration Field, plus meet Saturday afternoon for fun activities.
The 147th annual business session starts at 1:30 p.m. with beef community, association and legislative summaries scheduled. “Come and ask questions, learn where our industry might be headed and be a part of the policy process that will shape our future,” said Ptolemy. The association members also will consider resolutions and elect officers and Baca, Bent, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers county board representatives.
The evening events will continue with the annual Cowboy Punch Bowl social hour, sponsored by La Junta Livestock, starting at 5:30 p.m.
The awards banquet, with a prime rib buffet, will start at 6 p.m. “Numerous businesses and organizations have already reserved sponsor tables for the event, and we are grateful for their support and participation,” Ptolemy said. “It will be a fun evening.” The Honorary Life Member Award will highlight the evening. Tickets are $25 per adult for the meal/dance combo, $15 per junior member, and age 5 & under free. Combo tickets are available from any board member, at WW Feed & Supply, or at the door.
The dance, which is open to the public, will run 8 p.m. till midnight also at Inspiration Field. Tickets are $6 per person or $10 per couple, with music provided by the popular band Country Gold.
Bent-Prowers Cattle & Horse Growers Association was organized in 1870. For more information, call 384-4463 or 468-1472, or find us on facebook.
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