All Entries Tagged With: "WIC"
USDA Easier Enrollment in WIC Leads to Healthier Moms and Kids
WIC is one of the most powerful, evidence-based public health programs, setting moms, babies, and young kids up to be healthy and thrive. The program is associated with incredible outcomes like improved diet quality, birth weights, and cognitive development, and reduced infant deaths, premature births, and health care costs. It’s no wonder more […]
Delta Kappa Gamma Donates Books to Public County Health
Recently the women of Delta Kappa Gamma graciously donated a check for $200 to Prowers County Public Health, in support of their reading program, to purchase new books for the many children they see during WIC and Immunization appointments. Prowers County Public Health’s book program was established years ago as a way to […]
Not Your Mother’s WIC
A government nutrition program for low-income women, infants, and children under age 5 is embracing technology to make it easier for participants to use their benefits and eat healthier. The Colorado Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program has launched WICShopper, a free smart phone app that allows WIC families to […]