RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Farm City Banquet"

Lodging Panel Funds YAKS and Farm-City Banquet

Lodging Panel Funds YAKS and Farm-City Banquet

    Keep your eyes on the skies this weekend as the Lamar Municipal Airport is hosting as many as 30 YAK Red Star airplanes, members of the Pilots Association YAK event. Airport manager, Eric McSwann told the Prowers Lodging Panel board of directors, approximately 60 people will be involved in this annual event which […]

Lodging Panel Approves Three Fall Events

Lodging Panel Approves Three Fall Events

  Activities around Prowers County are moving into the fall season as the county Lodging Tax Panel recently approved several activities set for September and October of this year. The Panel, meeting for their August session on Tuesday, the 21st, approved funding for the November 9th, Farm-/- City Banquet at the Lamar Community Building, the […]

A Magic Night for Chamber Farm-City Banquet

Magician Christian Augustine and April provided the entertainment for the Lamar Chamber of Commerce’s annual Farm City Banquet this past Friday, November 10th.  This year marked a departure from the musical entertainment for the annual banquet, which helps fund activities for local FFA chapters in the area. Emceed by KVAY’s Bob DeLancey, the evening offered […]

Lodging Panel Funds Farm-City Banquet, Tri-State 9/11 Tribute

Lodging Panel Funds Farm-City Banquet, Tri-State 9/11 Tribute

Two funding requests before the Prowers County Lodging Panel that were tabled earlier were approved at the Tuesday, August 15th meeting by board members.    The Tri-State 9/11 Tribute committee had requested $2,000 for marketing funds for the September 9th event and the Lamar Chamber of Commerce Farm-City Banquet, set for November 10th, had asked for […]

Funding Approved for LCC Antelope Stampede

Funding Approved for LCC Antelope Stampede

The Prowers Lodging Tax Panel approved a request of $9,700 for marketing funds to promote this year’s LCC Antelope Stampede Rodeo at the Prowers County Fairgrounds. Fred Sherwood, who organizes the annual September event, said the event, which began in 1951, continues to grow with 350 contestants from 14 different colleges competing between September 29th […]

District FFA Receives Funds for Farm-City Service

District FFA Receives Funds for Farm-City Service

Jenna Davis and Ginger Coberley from the Lamar Chamber of Commerce presented Lamar FFA District members with a $4,000 check, payment for their assistance with the annual Farm City Banquet held at the Lamar Community Building. The yearly banquet features entertainment, updates from the local FFA Chapters, carcass payments from the annual Sand and Sage […]

James Otto Wows the Farm-City Crowd

James Otto Wows the Farm-City Crowd

Country singer-songwriter, James Otto, an American country music artist who combines the sounds of Nashville with Memphis, was the solo act for the annual Farm-City Banquet in Lamar held at the Lamar Community Building this past Saturday, November 12th . The annual event is hosted by the Lamar Chamber of Commerce which features live entertainment […]

Lodging Panel Okays Funds for Farm-City Banquet

Lodging Panel Okays Funds for Farm-City Banquet

The Lamar Chamber of Commerce received $4,000 from the Prowers Lodging Panel for marketing funds for the upcoming Farm City Banquet set for November 12th of this year.  The Chamber had requested $5,000 to promote the annual event which features a dinner prepared and served by area FFA clubs as well as entertainment, provided this […]

Antelope Stampede Okayed for Lodging Panel Funding

Antelope Stampede Okayed for Lodging Panel Funding

  The annual Lamar Community College rodeo event, the Antelope Stampede, received funding from the Prowers County Lodging Tax Panel during their July 19th meeting.  The request for $9,700 had been made by organizer Fred Sherwood months earlier, but the board delayed awarding the funds until there was a sufficient balance in their account.  The […]

Tri State 9/11 Tribute, Airport Fly-in Granted Funds by Lodging Panel

Tri State 9/11 Tribute, Airport Fly-in Granted Funds by Lodging Panel

Two September events were approved for marketing funds by the Prowers Lodging Tax Panel and one event for October also received financial support during the Panel’s monthly meeting, June 21st.  The annual Tri-State 9/11 Tribute received full funding and the bi-annual Fly-In received a portion of their request.  Two other events were tabled pending receipt […]