9/11 Tri-State Memorial Committee Hosts Veterans Day Observance
Barbara Crimond | Nov 20, 2023 | Comments 0

Quilts of Valor Gifted to Local Veterans
Over 150 persons attended the November 11th Veterans Day Remembrance at the 9/11 Memorial Site north of Lamar. Ty Harmon served as master of ceremonies which included a moment of prayer, led by Pastor Jeff Alexander. The American Legion/VFW presented the colors, with the Venture Scout group raising and lower our nation’s flag. Clare Dunn, Nashville recording artist, led the National Anthem.

Military Honors 21 gun salute
Other activities included the Boy Scouts of America leading the gathering in the Pledge of Allegiance and following a moment of silence, the 21-gun salute was presented by the American Legion. Taps was performed by Nathan Reid which concluded the ceremony.
A Quilts of Valor presentation followed inside the Big Timbers Museum where Tila Dunn and Bobbie Wroblewski presented six, hand-made quilts to local veterans, honoring their military service. Earlier that day, the Scouts officiated over their flag retirement ceremony.
From Claudia Gill
Filed Under: County • Featured • History • Media Release • VA
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