Gov. Polis Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments

Governor Jared Polis



Arkansas River Compact Administration

The Arkansas River Compact Administration was created to administer the provisions of the compact which was created with respect to the waters of the Arkansas River.  The administration shall cooperate with each state charged with the administration of water rights and with federal agencies in the systematic determination and correlation of the facts as to the flow and diversion of the waters of the Arkansas River.

for a term expiring at the pleasure of the Governor:
Lauren Ris of Highlands Ranch, Colorado, to serve as the Director of the Water Conservation Board, occasioned by the resignation of Rebecca Mitchell of Littleton, Colorado, appointed.

for a term expiring August 16, 2027:
Scott “Lane” Malone of Holly, Colorado, to serve as a resident of and water right owner in water district 67, reappointed.

Filed Under: AgricultureCountyFeaturedPoliticsPublic SafetyStateWater


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