ARPA Business Operations Report – June 2023



Eight Students Receive Scholarship Funding from ARPA and its Member Municipalities: In 2000 ARPA established a College Scholarship Program that awards a $1,400 scholarship to one high school senior in each of the high schools served by ARPA members. The Program is administered through the member municipalities of Holly, La Junta, Lamar, Las Animas, Springfield and Trinidad. The scholarships are funded equally between ARPA and its members. Congratulations to the following individuals on receiving the scholarship for the 2023-2024 school year: Holly: Colby Swopes; La Junta: Jay Wilson Grimsley; Lamar: Abigail Ross; Lamar (McClave): Ansley Herrera; Lamar (Wiley): Annabelle Mortimeyer; Las Animas: Nikki Smith; Springfield: Aubrey Summers; Trinidad: Joshua Sandoval.

ARPA to Provide Funding to its Members for Technical Assistance for Distribution Planning Services: The ARPA Board of Directors approved a plan for providing distribution planning services to its member utilities at its May meeting. ARPA will apply for funding to develop engineering plans that will identify projects intended to upgrade the infrastructure of its member’s distribution systems. The upgrades will include plans for grid and substation modernization to reduce outages and better prepare the systems for developments taking place in electrical operations such as rooftop solar installations and EV charging stations. The Board also directed ARPA staff to develop an option that will have ARPA provide the funding for the technical services in the event that the grant funding is not successful. Rick Rigel, ARPA General Manager stated, “The board recognized that it is critical that our members have the tools they need to manage the changes in distribution system operations that are transpiring today. A Distribution System plan that identifies both short-term and long-term priority projects will be an invaluable tool for managing a modern electric distribution system.”

Three Corners Connector: The ARPA Board of Directors entertained a guest speaker at their meeting on May 25. Gregory Kolomitz spoke with the group about the Three Corners Connector, a Grid United project that includes a 300-mile 525 kilovolt high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line connecting existing electric systems near Pueblo, Colorado, and Guymon, Oklahoma. The HVDC line will provide a valuable link between the eastern and western U.S. electric grids. Final approvals for the route is expected in 2025 and Three Corners Connector could be operational as early as 2028. Grid United is an independent transmission company that aims to modernize the United States’ electric transmission grid to create a more resilient and efficient electric system that takes advantage of the nation’s abundant and geographically dispersed natural resources to the ultimate benefit of all consumers.

Summary of April 2023 Financial and Operating Statements: During the month of April, revenue from power sales was 3.9% less than budget and total cost of goods sold were under budget (6.3%). Net Revenue for the month was $200,873. Year to Date revenues from power sales are just under budget by 1.1% and cost of goods sold are 3.5% under budget. Net revenues YTD are $903,825. Member Energy sales were 4% less than budget and 1.2% less than April 2022. Wind generation was 11% of the power supply resources for April.

Next ARPA Meeting: The next regularly scheduled meeting of the ARPA Board of Directors is Thursday, August 31, 2023. The meeting will be held in La Junta at the Otero College Student Center, 2001 San Juan. The meeting notice and agenda will be posted on ARPA’s website ( under Public Notices and will also be posted in a designated location in each of the member cities at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. ARPA board meetings are open to the public.

Filed Under: Consumer IssuesFeaturedMedia ReleaseUtilities


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