Local Eagle Scout – Court of Honor – Kaije Mosier, Eagle Scout, Troop 218
Barbara Crimond | Oct 07, 2022 | Comments 0
Local Lamar High School student, Kaije Moser, has earned the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout in Troop 218, Lamar, CO on May 26, 2022. He will be receiving his rank and celebrating with his Court of Honor this Saturday October 15th.
Kaije has been a scout for 10 years. He earned his Arrow of Light in Cub Scout Pack 223 and transitioned into Troop 218. During his time in the troop, he has joined the Order of the Arrow and BSA Venture Crew 218. He worked one summer at our local Council Camp, San Isabel and next summer will be working at the BSA National Jamboree in West Virginia.
Kaije chose his Eagle Scout project on his very 1st camp out with the troop. Five years later he completed his vision by building a roofed structure on the north end of the Caddoa shelter near John Martin Reservoir. His hope is that this shelter will allow visitors a more comfortable outdoor space to enjoy their activities.
Kaije would like to Thank his family and friends and leaders for supporting him and his scouting endeavors through the years. He also would like to Thank all those who donated to his Eagle project:
Rider Metals, Travis and Tysca Black, Jeanna and Tony Warman, Lamar Christian Church, Bellomy Insurance, Colorado Mills, Lori Peterson Payne Insurance Farm Bureau, Lloyd Brown Farm Bureau, Home Store, Dashner Family, Chris Henderson, Air Gas. Thank you to Colorado Parks and Wildlife as the beneficiary for this project!
Filed Under: Consumer Issues
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