Local Authors Hold Book Signing on the Lost Sand Creek Site
Barbara Crimond | Oct 14, 2022 | Comments 0
How We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site, a new book by Chuck Bowen and Mike Bowen, is now available.
Join them for their book launch on Wednesday, October 26 at the Cultural Events Center, located in the Lamar City Complex. The program is at 6:30 p.m., with the book signing to follow at 7 p.m.
There will be a sampling of Chuck’s Sand Creek artifacts on display including arrowheads, bullets, and cannonball shell fragments.
We Found the Lost Sand Creek Site is a detailed account about how Chuck and Sheri Bowen used eyewitness accounts to find places to search for artifacts on his family’s cattle ranch. It is the only book based on eyewitness accounts, discovery of artifacts and how they affect the traditional Sand Creek story. There are a lot of misunderstandings concerning Sand Creek, and this book provides clarity on information that hasn’t been made available before.
Follow Chuck’s Facebook page at facebook.com/BowenHistory or search BowenHistory and check out his website, thelostsandcreek.com.
Bring a friend, and don’t forget to get your book signed after the event!
Filed Under: City of Lamar • History • Media Release • Tourism
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