Flood Risk Study Focuses on Prowers County


Residents of Prowers County – There is a flood risk study underway for select areas in the County, which involves collecting field survey measurements along portions of various streams. You may see surveyors or project staff from AECOM or Michael Baker walking portions of the stream channel or parking alongside the road and collecting measurements at stream crossings (bridges and culverts). Please note that this is a State-sponsored effort by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) in partnership with Prowers County and its communities.

Field survey crews will attempt to stay on public lands and right of ways as much as possible. If deemed necessary to enter private lands for short periods of time, the field staff will attempt to contact private landowners in advance to seek permission prior to gaining access. Surveyors will respect your property and will not interfere with your use of it.

This study will result in updated flood hazard information for community officials to assess risk and identify mitigation opportunities, with the goal of protecting life and property. The updated information may also eventually be used to update FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps, which are used for regulatory purposes. For specific information on the project or regarding your flood risk, please contact your local floodplain administrator.

The anticipated dates the field studies will occur is 11/29/2021-12/10/2021

Filed Under: CountyEnvironmentFeaturedMedia ReleasePublic SafetyWaterWeather


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