Colorado Crop Progress/Condition Report, Week Ending Nov 14, 2021



Another dry week allowed harvest and fieldwork to continue, according to the Mountain Region Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Statewide, soil moisture supplies declined and precipitation was mainly confined to the high country.

In northeastern and east central counties, corn and sorghum harvest was nearly complete and sunflower harvest progressed quickly from last week. Only a light dusting of isolated moisture was reported. Spotty emergence of winter wheat remained a primary concern due to dry conditions. Stand quality varied throughout the districts. High winds were noted. Pasture and range conditions continued to deteriorate due to lack of moisture.

Livestock producers continued moving stock to graze post-harvest residues where available. Other noted concerns were increased fuel and input prices going forward.

Southwestern counties saw little moisture and daytime temperatures remained warm. Corn harvest neared completion in the area.

In the San Luis Valley, conditions remained very dry. County reports noted livestock were in good condition.

In southeastern counties, reports noted increased incidence of sick calves due to dry and dusty conditions. Statewide, stored feed supplies were rated 15 percent very short, 26 percent short, 50 percent adequate, and 9 percent surplus.

Sheep death loss was 83 percent average and 17 percent light. Cattle death loss was 62 percent average and 38 percent light.

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