Troy Manor, Last Look
Barbara Crimond | Jun 21, 2021 | Comments 0
Before the end of June, the Troy Manor will be just a passing memory. The former motel on South Main Street in Lamar had been slated for some time for demolition, but it was only after the usual red tape was taken care of that the final portion of the demolition could take place.
The City of Lamar had given thought to demolish the abandoned structure as far back as April, 2011 when Bobby Ward, the Chief Building Inspector at that time, met with officials from Colorado Brownsfields Association out of Littleton, Colorado, to discuss the ramifications of removing the building. There was concern regarding asbestos content as a hazardous waste material that would have to be dealt with.
The concern remained the same until available funding was secured by the city to have a thorough and safe demolition begin. This past winter, a professional firm was hired by the city which isolated the motel units and began working on removing the impacted areas away from the elements or local residents. Once that process had been completed, city crews completed the demolition under safe conditions. The Troy Manor is one of several buildings slated for removal, but the city can only move forward as revenues allow.
Lamar Mayor, Kirk Crespin, said that while the property had been on the market for some time, it wasn’t until the demolition project was green-lighted that there was some serious interest in the land, situated at a prime location on South Main Street. Crespin observed, “We have had several interested parties from outside our local area become interested in the site, and although we haven’t moved forward on any discussion, it does appear to be a retail-oriented business, which when it’s up and running, can add to our local jobs market and tax revenue structure.”
By Russ Baldwin
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