Jo Ann McEndree, Southeast Colorado CattleWoman of the Year

Jo Ann is shown receiving her plaque from the 2018 CattleWoman of the Year Virgie Robb.


Jo Ann McEndree was recently awarded CattleWoman of the Year by Southeast Colorado CattleWomen for her long-term dedication to Southeast and to Colorado CattleWomen.

She has been Southeast treasurer for many years and jumps in to help with all activities.

She recently completed her second two-year term as Colorado CattleWomen president. She is a 30 year 4-H leader, has been a Southeast Junior Colorado Cattlemen’s Association advisor since the early ‘90’s and supports many school organizations in Baca County.

In 2014, Bent-Prowers awarded her an Honorary Life Membership in recognition of her work for the beef industry, and in 2015 she was named a Colorado Master Farm Homemaker.

Jo Ann was named CattleWoman of the Year in 1998. Her continuing work for the beef industry earns her the title for a second time!



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