Jo Ann McEndree, Southeast Colorado CattleWoman of the Year
Barbara Crimond | Jun 25, 2021 | Comments 0
Jo Ann McEndree was recently awarded CattleWoman of the Year by Southeast Colorado CattleWomen for her long-term dedication to Southeast and to Colorado CattleWomen.
She has been Southeast treasurer for many years and jumps in to help with all activities.
She recently completed her second two-year term as Colorado CattleWomen president. She is a 30 year 4-H leader, has been a Southeast Junior Colorado Cattlemen’s Association advisor since the early ‘90’s and supports many school organizations in Baca County.
In 2014, Bent-Prowers awarded her an Honorary Life Membership in recognition of her work for the beef industry, and in 2015 she was named a Colorado Master Farm Homemaker.
Jo Ann was named CattleWoman of the Year in 1998. Her continuing work for the beef industry earns her the title for a second time!
Filed Under: Agriculture • Events • Media Release
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