Nominate a Special Nurse for Colorado’s Highest Honor


Nightingale nurses make big impacts in our lives

Have you encountered a nurse who went above and beyond to help you or a loved one? Here is an opportunity to thank that special nurse who always makes a difference.

The Colorado Nurses Foundation and Southeastern Colorado AHEC is seeking nominations of outstanding Registered Nurses (RN) for Colorado’s Nightingale Luminary Awards.

Every RN is committed to their patients, students, and colleagues. Please tell us how your nursing hero has demonstrated excellence in care at a level rarely achieved. Community members and other healthcare professionals are encouraged to submit nominations by June 1, 2021. For more details and to nominate your favorite RN, visit

Southeastern Colorado AHEC also honors Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) each year. If you would like to recognize the work of an LPN, go to our website,, to download a nomination form. submit your nomination, along with supporting documentation by June 1, 2021.

Fax to the Southeastern Colorado AHEC office at 719-544-79955, hand deliver to:

Southeastern Colorado AHEC
503 N Main St. Ste. 221
Pueblo, CO 81003,
or email to
(be sure to include in the c.c. line of your email)

Details will be coming soon about a special event honoring all Nightingale nominees.

Southeastern Colorado AHEC seeks to improve healthcare in southeastern Colorado by providing educational services to students, healthcare professionals, and the community in the counties of Baca, Bent, Chaffee, Cheyenne, Crowley, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Kiowa, Lake, Las Animas, Otero, Park, Prowers, Pueblo and Teller.

Filed Under: CountyHealthMedia Release


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