Zonta Club of Prowers County Celebrates Zonta International Centennial





The Zonta Club of Prowers County is joining Zonta chapters around the world to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Zonta. The multi-faceted year-long celebration has involved Prowers County Zontians marching in local parades with a giant birthday cake, gathering books about strong females to donate to local school libraries, a public proclamation, and on the week of November 8th will culminate in the lighting of the Prowers County Courthouse in anniversary teal.
Zonta International was founded on November 8, 1919 in Buffalo, New York and has since expanded into an international service and advocacy organization with 29,000 members in 63 countries on 6 continents. Zonta International’s motto is “Empowering Women Through Service and Advocacy”, and since 1923 Zonta has provided more that 41.2 million US dollars to empower women through improved education, health care, economic opportunities and safe living conditions (zonta.org).
For more information about Zonta International, its membership, initiatives, programs and history, visit their website: http//www.zonta.org.
For more information about our local Zonta chapter, visit http://Zontadistrict12.org/prowers-county; https://www.facebook.com/ProwersCountyZonta/, send an email to: ProwersZonta@gmail.com, or a letter to Prowers County Zonta, P.O. Box 1124, Lamar, CO 81052.

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