Lamar Service Groups Discuss Combined Projects
Barbara Crimond | Jul 02, 2019 | Comments 0
The Lamar Rotary and Lamar Lions enjoyed a joint Friday evening barbecue this past Friday evening, June 28th. The occasion served to highlight the contribution of new picnic tables for the new pavilions in Willow Creek Park both groups recently made to the City of Lamar.
Rotary President, Linda Lujan noted her group and the Lions contributed to the signage at the pavilions as well, which will notify the public of future use of the pavilions for the public at large. “It’s an opportunity to leave a legacy for the Lamar community in general and to showcase a legacy of service for future generations, something that might inspire them to help benefit their own town,” she explained.
Lujan noted for the gathering, two senior members of both groups, George Gotto and Wayne Clausen. Gotto said he had been both a Rotarian and Lion, but jokingly said he wouldn’t say which groups he enjoyed the most. He did allow that each group has some of the best people in the world as members. Clausen said, he too, enjoyed his many years of service as a Lion.
Lujan’s husband, Edward, the incoming president of the Lamar Lions Club, suggested both organizations could combine their efforts and talent in future community projects, “We are involved during the Christmas season hosting some parties and events and it would be great if we coordinate our dates to make this a joint venture. In our community we tend to know one another, but this would be a great opportunity to become better acquainted with each other and learn how we can combine our efforts for the community.”
By Russ Baldwin
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