LUB Restocking Parts, Wind Turbine Repairs Underway


The Lamar Utility Board approved a lease agreement with Prowers County for the installation of Advanced Media Infrastructure (AMI) metering antennae and a base station at the Carlton Tower. The $3,000 fee is automatically renewable each year.

The Board also approved the purchase of several groups of poles to replace its inventory including 40 foot, Class 2, western red cedar poles from low bidder McFarland Cascade at $928 per pole, or $37,120 total. $14,733 was spent on pole enforcer hardware.  While a shift is being made to metal poles, the Light Plant also uses reinforced metal plates to support the wooden poles at their base.  The final bid approval was for $11,240 for assorted lightning arrestors, power line fuses and ground rods.

Line crews have been installing raptor protection devices throughout the plant’s southern circuit to the AT&T Tower about ten miles south of Lamar. Triangular shaped crossarm braces are being installed to protect raptors in the area.  Light Plant Superintendent, Hourieh Houssin, said the utility has spent upwards of $37,000 since 2012 on various forms of raptor protection devices.  The T-3 wind turbine has been offline due to a failed pitch motor brake and plans to repair it, weather permitting, are underway this week.

Hourieh noted the next monthly meeting of the Arkansas River Power Authority (ARPA) is February 21st via webcast.  At the January 31st meeting, Lamar’s representatives requested the approval of their resolution authorizing ARPA and each of its individual members to commence the final negotiations and to enter into a power purchase agreement with Tri-State for the transfer of the authority bond debt.  An altered version was accepted which allows each community to negotiate separately with Tri-State for its own power purchase agreement.  Lamar has hired legal representation for its own negotiations.  ARPA representatives will meet with each of the six member municipalities regarding their concerns in the potential Tri-State agreement.

Tuesday morning, a pressure relay at the substation was tripped causing a power loss to the southern sections of Lamar for about 30 minutes before power was restored.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: City of LamarConsumer IssuesFeaturedPublic SafetyUtilities


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