2018 Year in Review October





New K9 on Patrol in Lamar

Spark, the latest addition to the Lamar Police Department, has been on the job with her handler, Officer Thomas Campbell since the beginning of the month. She’s identified drug contraband as recently as the 15th of this month during a search.

Spark is a two year old mixed breed, female Pit Bull from Canada who has been trained as a narcotics dog. Officer Campbell explained the night she was introduced to the Lamar City Council earlier this month, “She is trained for cocaine, ecstasy, meth and heroin but not for identifying marijuana.”
By Russ Baldwin


Holly Election Determines New Board for Fire/Ambulance District

Voting was held in the Holly Fire and Ambulance District Tuesday, October 9, 2018 to determine the top five vote-getters who will receive a seat on the District Board and will be selected to serve a two year or four year term. That board will also appoint a representative to serve on a three person committee to oversee funds from the November Ballot Question 1A regarding a county-wide ambulance funding tax, should it pass. That question calls for the establishment of a county sales tax increase of 0.025 per cent to fund ambulance service in Prowers County.  Should that ballot issue be defeated next month, there would be no need for a representative to be selected to the three person committee.

Approximately 900 ballots were distributed to eligible voters in the Holly District and according to Jana Rushton, Election Official, 418 ballots were returned. Voting was done by either return mail or delivered in person at the Fire and Ambulance headquarters.  The unofficial results have indicated these five persons have been elected to the board:

Rodney Hazen-286 and a 2 year term, Austin Hazen-282 and a 4 year term, Robert Fletcher-243 and a 4 year term, Marge Campbell-231 and a 4 year term and Thomas Wagner-217 and a 2 year term. These persons will be sworn in to office on October 17th.
By Russ Baldwin


Granada Trustees Takes Steps to Assume Role of Sewer Board

The Granada Trustees will make a determination at a future meeting for a replacement Trustee for Deb Choat’s seat on the board following her resignation this past summer. Letters of interest for the position have been received and will be reviewed pending a determination.

The matter of ending the town’s Sewer Board was tabled until the November meeting. Two members, Denver Riddle and Jesse Melton, said the board had been formed in 1965 in order to establish an entity which could apply for bonds for sewer improvements. The members felt it was time to disband and turn the operation over to the Trustees.  Neither group had a problem with that event, but delayed action until they received information from the town attorney regarding the proper steps to take in the action.  Residents have been billed $2 per month for sewer fees which will have to be assigned to the monthly billing from the town clerk’s office once the board has been disbanded.



MESO Van at Lamar Middle School

Lamar Middle School Conducting Field Science Experiments

Lamar Middle School will host a Water Week from October 22th through the 26th.   A MESO (Mobile Earth Space Observation) Vehicle, equipped with telescopes, will be parked in front of the school during those days.  Scientists will be presenting information during an assembly, during science classes and at the Friday Science Festival.  The Assembly for the entire school will be held at 7:50 am.

Monday through Wednesday the scientists will work with an Augmented Sandbox with the students while the science teachers will test river water for pH and turbidity and working on a water pollution activity. Thursday (25th) all grades will participate in a Water Filtering/Purification Challenge.  On Friday, October 26th, the school will host a Science Festival in the South Parking Lot which runs from 1pm to 6pm and is open to the public.   There will be after school work shops for LMS students and a star party on Tuesday night.

The Mobile Earth & Space Observatory (MESO) is a Science Center on Wheels, serving middle-school students in underserved communities in Colorado and beyond.



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