Archive for December 17th, 2018

Roger Kent Anderson…June 7, 1944 – December 14, 2018
Funeral Services for Holly, Colorado resident, Kent Anderson will be held at 10:00 a.m. on December 21, 2018 at the Holly High School Gymnasium. Interment will follow in the Holly Cemetery. Visitation for Kent will be held on Thursday, December 20, 2018 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. at Valley Memorial Funeral Chapel in Holly, Colorado. Roger Kent […]

Lamar Rotary and Interact Host Kid’s Christmas
You could hear a train’s whistle from down the block as you approached the Shore Arts Center Building and adjacent Pocket Park this past Saturday, December 15th. The Lamar Rotary Club and Interact was hosting their third Kid’s Christmas event in downtown Lamar. The Santa Special train would wind its way from the […]

Drought Information Statement from NWS
Drought Conditions Persist Across Most of South Central and Southeast Colorado SYNOPSIS The latest US Drought Monitor, issued Thursday December 13th, is indicating Exceptional Drought (D4) conditions confined to Southwest Colorado, including extreme westerly Rio Grande County and the western 2/3rds of Mineral County. Extreme Drought (D3) conditions remain depicted across the rest […]

Trustees Revise Granada Landfill Policy
The Granada Trustees approved two measures during their December 12th meeting to increase fees for large dump trucks and to prohibit trash dumping from outside the Granada School District. The action was taken after considerable discussion meant to find ways to increase the life span of the current large pit at the landfill […]

Wreaths Across America Holds Seventh Observance in Lamar
This past Saturday, December 15th marked the seventh annual observance of Wreaths Across America at the veteran’s section of Fairmount Cemetery in Lamar under the direction of Peacock Funeral Home. Close to 100 persons, mostly family and friends of the departed were on hand to distribute holiday wreaths of green pine decorated with a […]

HOPE Center Receives Annual Donation from Rupp’s Truck in Lamar
The HOPE Center at Lincoln School in Lamar recently received an annual donation from Rupp’s Truck and Trailer Repair on Highway 50 in Lamar. Lori Hammer, Executive Director of the HOPE Coalition said the $2,500 was a welcome gift for right around the holidays and this isn’t the first time that Roman […]

Lamar’s Main Street Project, 99.5% Complete
They’re gone! Construction workers, flag holders, earth moving machines, concrete trucks…all seemed to disappear as of late Friday, December 14th. The last observed task was steam-blasting away the temporary road stripes at the north end of Main, around Loaf and Jug and putting down some new paint for lanes now that almost all […]

‘One Step Up Students’, Assemble!!
Fans of the Marvel Universe might recognize the paraphrase from a classic closing line from an Avengers movie, and in this instance it serves a double purpose. One Step Up students are providing a heroic assist for Toys for Tots this Christmas and they are assembling thirty skateboards from scratch which they’ll donate […]