City Sells Land, Buys Vehicles





The Lamar City Council approved two lease agreements during their regular meeting, October 8th. One was with Frontier Bank for the lease-purchase of a new Fire Truck.  The agreement is for ten years with a first payment of $43,223.24 due this year and a fixed interest rate of 3.95%.  A second, similar agreement was reached to finance a new Ford Interceptor with GN Bank of Lamar for two years with the first payment of $24,702.88 being due in 2019 with a fixed interest rate of 3.89%.

Kristin McCrea, City Treasurer, explained that the city solicited proposals for purchase of property located at 302, 304 and 304.5 West Washington Street in Lamar. Bid packets were mailed and opened on September 21, 2018 with one bid received from Charley Taylor which met all the requirements of bid solicitation.  There was a requirement of a minimum bid of $3,000.  The council also authorized the purchase of a used 2008 Peterbilt refuse truck from Arizona Refuse Trucks for $75,000.  The Sanitation Department had budgeted $65,000 for a used rear loader trash truck.

The council, following recommendations from the Colorado Municipal League, adopted Resolution 18-10-02, to inform local residents of what it believes to be significant drawbacks to approving Amendment 74 on the November General Ballot. The ballot concerns the awarding fair market value to property owners who believe state rulings negatively impact the value of their property.  The CCML believes it would undermine the city’s home rule charter under which it operates and subject local governments to massive litigation over almost every exercise of its charter granted government.

Despite objections from members of Heritage Defenders and preliminary remarks from Belinda Groner and Barbara Hernandez regarding impacts of pornography on minors, the council approved changes to the Lamar Library’s Internet/Computer Use Policy as recommended by the Library Advisory Board. Groner objected to the approval stating the changes will ultimately have no impact on minor students accessing pornographic material through a state approved search engine, EBSCO.  Groner and other Heritage Defenders stated that parents, singly or as a group, have no input on making needed changes to force EBSCO to screen unsuitable subject matter from their children. It was noted that the policy changes will put more responsibility onto parents.  Groner, following the meeting, stated her frustration and the Defenders group over the outcome.  “We plan to continue our efforts and our next steps will probably involve a meeting with the school board as well as plans to hold public meetings to make the citizens aware of how this material is reaching our children,” she said.

Moon Rocks are coming to Lamar. Lamar Librarian, Susan Lathrop, described the Summer Reading Program’s theme for 2019, “A Universe of Stories” in honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.  A portable planetarium will be transported to Lamar to host five, 45-minute programs for up to 90 people per seminar on June 3rd.  The cost is $1,000 and Lathrop is hoping to find a corporate sponsor.  A certification application is also being filled out for a librarian and a local school teacher so moon rocks will be on display at the library.  A down payment is needed to secure the display.

Angie Cue explained how the city applied for a DOLA Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) grant for $30,000 to be applied to the contract with Buxton, now entering its third year. Buxton provides the city with a marketing strategy that can be applied towards a retail development program.  The information can be used by various business developers showing the levels at which Lamar can support new retail and restaurant locations.  The city will pay a $20,000 match as part of the grant agreement.

In 2017, the city applied for an EPA Brownsfield Assessment grant of $300,000 which was awarded this past September. The council voted down a resolution intended to apply those funds to identify and address environmental impairments in order to help revive areas of the city.  The project, known as the Prairie Crossroads Project, would focus on portions of north Lamar, an area identified as Census Tract 2.  It’s bounded by Parmenter Street to the south, North 13th Street on the west, the Arkansas River on the north and extends just past Riverside Cemetery on the east.  The area is described in the grant application as basically the crossroads of commerce in Lamar, including the intersection of highways 50 and 287 and the railroad industry corridor.  The funds were intended to help conduct a general cleanup plan and community involvement related to activities in Brownfield sites.  The split vote had councilpersons Crampton, Crespin, Riley and Lamar Mayor Roger Stagner casting the deciding ‘no’ vote.

The public hearing for Walmart’s liquor license Modification of Premise application was held and approval was granted to the store to add additional shelving and refrigeration at the current location. The vote was six to one in favor with Councilwoman Anne Marie Crampton voting no.

Clifford Boxley’s request for another five year term on the Lamar Utilities Board was approved by council. The council also approved the annual agreement with Lamar Police Department for security during the annual Holiday Basketball Tournament, December 14-15th.

The council approved a request from Legal Shield to represent city employees who enroll in the ID Shield membership. The employees, at their own cost, will be aided in identity theft issues and identity restoration as well as to discuss and receive assistance in legal matters.

City Administrator Sutherland pointed out future events on the local calendar including the Lamar Libraries Food for Fines campaign through October 31st and the Boots, Bling and Blessings event at the Equine Center at LCC on Saturday, October 20th from 6pm to 9pm and Moonlight Madness on Thursday, October 25th.  The next regular council meeting will be held Monday October 22nd.

By Russ Baldwin




Filed Under: City of LamarConsumer IssuesEconomyEnvironmentFeaturedRecreationTransportationUtilities


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