Prowers County Clerk Office Closed July 16-18

Prowers County Courthouse


The State of Colorado is replacing the Colorado State Titling and Registration System (CSTARS), originally installed between 1983 and 1986, with a new system, Colorado DRIVES.

After an 18-month project, on August 6, 2018, all Colorado title and registration services will be available via the new DRIVES system. In advance of the deployment, services including motor vehicle registration renewal, vehicle titling, International Registration Plan (IRP) and ownership transfers will not be available August 1-5, 2018 due to the conversion from the old to the new system.

Extended wait times in some county motor vehicle offices may occur this summer as employees prepare for and adjust to the new system. The Colorado Division of Motor requests your patience during this implementation process.

Prowers County Clerk’s Office will be closed July 16-18, 2018 and August 1,2 and 3rd so that the County Clerk’s Staff may attend the DRIVES System Training in Pueblo, CO.

We thank you for your patience in this matter.

Prowers County Clerk & Recorder

Filed Under: City of LamarConsumer IssuesCountyFeaturedMedia Release


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