Justin Young Presents Program at Big Timbers Museum


Prowers County Historical Society welcomes Justin Young to present the program at Big Timbers Museum Thursday, July 19 at 7 PM. This quarterly program is free and the public is welcome.

Justin is a local artist and is very well known for three sculptures in Lamar; “Short Fuse on a Slack Rope” located at the historic Train Depot and Colorado Welcome Center, “Prairie Wings” at Centennial Park and “The Sentry” at Lamar Community College.

He will be sharing about his latest moose sculpture and how it was inspired from local history.  The moose trophy mount, owned by H. C. Wear, was on display in the First National Bank in Eads in the 60s and has become the inspiration for his newest sculpture. Justin’s first memory of the moose was when he opened his first bank account there as a kid.  Wear owned a buffalo, elk and longhorn ranch on Rush Creek East of Eads.

Justin’s newest piece is a sculpture in progress about Cheyenne Antelope pits. Its inspiration came from letters written by George Bent to his friend, historian George Hyde 1912-1916 when Bent lived in Oklahoma.  George’s father was William Bent of Bents Old Fort and his mother a Cheyenne.  In 1863 George left his white family and became a Cheyenne Dog Soldier for the next 6 years.

Justin also is interested in the buffalo hunt led by General Custer, General Sheridan along with Buffalo Bill and others to entertain Alexis the Grand Duke of Russia in Jan. of 1872. They got off the train in Kit Carson and the buffalo hunt happened between Sand Creek and Rush Creek.  Perhaps this will be another inspiration for another sculpture.

Don’t miss this program to learn how history plays an important part in the inspiration of Justin’s art.

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