Unofficial Prowers County Primary Results, Wittman Wins Treasurer Seat




The June 26th primary for Prowers County and the state featured a new element in that unaffiliated voters were able to cast their votes for the Republican or Democratic candidates, one or the other but not both.  Proposition 108, passed in the last election, allowed unaffiliated electors to vote in the primary elections of major political parties without declaring an affiliation with a party.  Unaffiliated voters received two ballots in the mail, one for Republican and one for Democrat. 

County clerks cautioned voters that a party choice had to be made on their ballot and that if both were completed and turned in, that action would nullify their vote.  Those registered voters who had selected a single political party received the appropriate ballot for consideration. 

Prowers County had only one contested position on the Republican ticket, that of County Treasurer, between Judy L. Wittman and Kayla Koehn.  There was no candidate for the office on the Democratic side.  The unofficial tally from the Prowers County Clerk’s office had Judy Wittman as the winner by a vote of 1,226 to 736 for Kayla Koehn and Wittman will become the new county treasurer in January, 2019. 

The race for Governor of Colorado will unofficially be between Republican Walker Stapleton and Jared Polis on the Democratic ticket.

Thank you for the election night results from the staff at the Prowers County Clerk & Recorder’s Office.

By Russ Baldwin

Filed Under: City of GranadaCity of HollyCity of LamarCity of WileyCountyEconomyElectionsEventsFeaturedPolitics


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