Concerns Continue Over Fate of Granada Landfill
Barbara Crimond | Dec 14, 2017 | Comments 0
The Granada Trustees are hoping some new information on the potential closing of the town’s landfill will come to light during another region-wide meeting set for January at the Prowers County Courthouse. Mayor Glenn Otto told the Trustees during their December 13th meeting, he was contacted by a representative from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment on the status of the landfill, which currently remains in service. Earlier this year, the Trustees decided to close the landfill in the face of a $52,000 penalty fine, but later, decided to rescind that action as the Prowers County Commissioners stated they, and other counties in the state, had been making progress to allow small communities to enjoy more leeway in handling state-mandated regulations for landfill operations.
The Town of Granada will be brighter in the near future, as the Trustees decided to purchase 120 LED streetlights for the community, replacing the older, more expensive sodium lights. John McMillan, Town Operations Manager, said there are 108 lights in town and some extra lights should be available for private use for residents who want to use them. The lights are $136 apiece and the Trustees are using the funds budgeted for replacement from this year and a portion of next year’s budget to meet the purchase cost. McMillan said he expects delivery within the next two to three weeks.
Many Granada residents use burn barrels to eliminate their trash, but there have been some safety concerns mentioned with their use. Dana and Natalie Musick, who head the town’s fire department, said an unmonitored fire spread this past week, destroying property in town. “People should know we’re under a Red Flag warning and no open fires are allowed when that happens,” she told the Trustees. Musick recommended that in any case, residents should call the non-emergency dispatch number at 336-3977 to inform authorities they intend to burn and receive an okay. She noted that the fumes emanating from some of the fires are also covering portions of the town with a noxious odor. Police Chief David Dougherty said he’d review the ordinance pertaining to open fires. The Trustees said anyone should cover their burn barrel with a safety grate and should monitor the fire until it’s out, not just walk away and leave it unattended. Musick also suggested putting the unused town ambulance up for auction on a government website and purchase a used police car with the proceeds.
Town Clerk, Jackie Malone, said eleven delinquent utility accounts have been paid up and two shut offs of electricity remain closed since the town started issuing delinquent notices last month. “We’ve generated $9,500 from back payments,” she told the Trustees.
Connie Medina approached the Trustees with a request to purchase chemicals to rid the town’s trees of a fungus known as Needlecast, which can contaminate other trees in the vicinity of the affected ones. “Jason Herrera looked at them for us and said some of the trees are treatable as he found areas of new growth,” she told the Trustees, who authorized the purchase. Medina said members of the Granada Seniors group expressed concerns about the lack of lighting for the parking lot adjacent to the Town Complex when they leave their evening meetings. Mayor Otto said that problem will be taken care of with the purchase of the new lights for the community.
The Trustees took no action on a request from Chief Dougherty to begin training for a third reserve officer for the town. He said the candidate would work at no charge, but training costs would be around $500. The Trustees suggested the current two reserve officers could be put to better use working evening schedules. Dougherty said the grant request of $9,300 was approved for the Granada Victim Witness Assistance Program Coordinator/Advocate salary for 2018. He expects another grant in the near future for a full time clerk’s position for the town’s police department. The town will move ahead with CDOT signs which will inform motorists there is no passing on the right on the town’s frontage roads along Highway 50. Motorists have been mistaking these for a right lane when they are actually a parking lane. Dougherty said he’ll work on the ordinance pertaining to operating non-lighted golf carts after dark in the community.
By Russ Baldwin
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