Lamar Community College renews Three for Two Promotion

New-LCC-LOGOAfter a successful first year in 2016, the Three for Two promotion will return to Lamar Community College this summer.

Through this program, students may enroll in nine or more credits and receive a tuition-only scholarship for up to $410.70, a scholarship equal to three resident on-campus credits.  For many, this will mean that when they enroll in two courses, LCC will scholarship the third.

“Learning doesn’t stop in the summer at LCC,” said President Linda Lujan.  “We are pleased to offer this opportunity to our students and communities.”

Last year, the Three for Two promotion was only available to Colorado residents for on-campus courses during the summer term.  In 2017, LCC has expanded this scholarship opportunity to include out of state students and online courses; however, the scholarship amount is still equal to a three-credit, resident, on-campus course.

“We started this program because we wanted to help students with the cost of college by providing them an opportunity to take an extra class on us,” said Dr. Annessa C. Stagner, Dean of Academic Services at LCC.

“Whether they are a graduating high school senior, someone returning home from university for the summer or a community member who likes exploring new subjects, this incentive program should help meet the needs of a variety of students.”

To learn more about this offer, visit  For technical scholarship questions, contact Dr. Stagner at 719.336.1519.

Registration for summer courses is now open.  Visit to explore course options.  For additional questions or to enroll, contact LCC Admissions at 719.336.1590 or

Filed Under: CollegeEducationEventsMedia ReleaseSchoolYouth


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