Holly Commercial Club Holds Last Meeting of 2016
Barbara Crimond | Dec 14, 2016 | Comments 0
The Holly Commercial Club board reviewed several community activities for the Christmas season which included the Holly Jolly Country Christmas Concert. It was reportedly sold out with 178 tickets purchased and the committee received $2,200 in donations. Rod Swisher reported that the Bluegrass Committee had received $2,500, the full request from the Prowers Lodging Panel, for next year’s advertising of the three day concert event.
Holly’s Old Fashioned Christmas was held on Thursday, December 1st. Although successful, members believed that more persons would have taken part had there been a chairperson or organize and help advertise the event. Jennifer Holdren and Amber Reinert have volunteered to co-chair for next year. A count is being made on the number of Christmas cards sold for the year so far and judging for the annual Christmas Lighting Contest was held on Tuesday, December 13th and results will be posted. The Grinch Display on Main Street was a hit with the public and thanks went out to Cathy Salinas and her food pantry crew for their efforts. Commercial Club members expressed their thanks to the Holly Town Crew for the decorations and lights that are gracing the town for the holiday.
Under new business, Jess Frey was nominated and elected president of the Holly Commercial Club for 2017. Rod Swisher was voted in for Vice President and Darlene Bruce was voted in as Treasurer for another year.
John Golden reported on a discussion he held with Chad Hart from the tourism group, Canyons and Plains regarding proposed information kiosks that are being erected in communities throughout the Arkansas Valley. Holly opted out of financial participation with Canyons and Plains and will not receive any kiosks for display. The local kiosk will be displayed on Reyman’s property and Hart will set up a visit with Tracie Kalmar as well as Holly Mayor, Tony Garcia.
The treasurer’s report showed the Club with a net loss of $1,915.27 for November and a year-to-date net loss of $3,119.20. The Holly Shopper financial report showed a net loss of $317.15 for November and a year-to-date net income of $362.30. The Club has 25 current full-time members and five associate members. The next Holly Commercial Club meeting is set for January 4, 2017.
From Notes Submitted by Darlene Bruce, Secretary-Treasurer
Filed Under: City of Holly • Consumer Issues • Economy • Elections • Entertainment • Featured • Tourism • Youth
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