Specht Selected as Interim Attorney for Prowers County
Barbara Crimond | Oct 18, 2016 | Comments 0
John Lefferdink is retiring from his position as attorney for Prowers County and local attorney Darla Scranton Specht will serve as the county’s interim attorney pending steps to appoint a new, full-time legal representative. Commissioner Wendy Buxton-Andrade said a permanent attorney will need to be appointed by at least January and Commission Chairman Ron Cook added that will give the board time to determine the process by which they will seek a replacement. Lefferdink is also retiring from his position as attorney for the Lamar Utilities Board, as confirmed by Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh. Hourieh noted that candidates are being interviewed to fill the vacant attorney’s seat.
The Rancher’s Restaurant at the Ports to Plains Truck Plaza in Lamar was granted a beer and wine license following a public hearing during the commissioner’s October 17th meeting. Following the hearing, a vote of two to one allowed the process to move forward. Henry Schnabel cast the nay vote. Jim Miller, owner of the Ports to Plains Truck Plaza, applied for a similar license eight years ago but it was denied at that time. Little has changed from the plans to serve alcohol from 2008 to today. Only three single servings of either beer or wine will be allowed and only with a meal, not alcohol alone. The hours of service will be from 10am to 11pm and Miller decided that no alcohol will be served on Sunday. Miller said, “We still need to process the needed paperwork with the state, but we should be able to serve in about three weeks.” He added that his staff will undergo the TIPS training that has been suggested for servicing alcoholic beverages at restaurants and retail outlets. The commissioners also approved a special events permit to the BPOE Elks Lodge, #1319 for a concert on November 12th and the annual Fantasy Tree event on November 19th.
The commissioners were provided with an update for the Lamar Chamber of Commerce by Lisa Carder and Ginger Coberly, Office Manager and Vice-President, respectively. “The annual Farm-City Banquet is set for Saturday, November 12th and James Otto, country-western singer, will provide the entertainment this year, “Carder stated. Coberly added that corporate sponsorships will help defray the expenses this year and a ticket for the meal and entertainment will cost $30 and $20 for the concert only. Looking ahead on the calendar, the annual Chamber banquet is set for January 25th, 2017 at the Lamar Eagles Lodge. The chamber representatives said board members decided to make a change on a long-standing tradition relating to Lamar Days. “We’re trying something new next year and instead of the “Good Morning Breakfast” we will have a Friday afternoon BBQ at the chamber offices instead. We hope the proposed Pocket Park will be completed at that time as an added draw for people to the downtown area.” Carder said more details will be made available regarding a seminar at Lamar Community College explaining the changing laws regarding overtime payments to employees. The seminar is set for November 15 and is geared to answering legal questions employers may have on the changes.
Cathy Garcia, US Senator Cory Gardner’s representative for southeast Colorado, attended the meeting with no specific agenda other than to relate the senator’s interest in establishing a resolution to make the growing and cultivation of hemp and hemp products legal in rural areas of Colorado. She said Gardner is also seeking information and personal experiences from regional residents and communities about the related costs of asbestos removal and abatement procedures. Garcia explained this will correlate to a bill he is currently developing to facilitate those tasks.
By Russ Baldwin
Correction: The Chamber date given initially was incorrect, the date will be January 25.
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