New Board Membership Announced for PEP

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PEP Logo

Board members of PEP, the newly refurbished economic development organization, met on Tuesday, October 11th to approve their new by-laws and articles of incorporation.  The former PCDI, Prowers County Development Incorporated, transitioned into the new group following recommendations made by the study group, PUMA, last month.  The official adoption of the new rules on Tuesday was necessary to increase board membership from nine for PCDI, to as many as 21 for PEP.

A new executive committee was voted on with Rick Robbins remaining as president; Anne-Marie Crampton is the new vice-president, Aaron Leiker as secretary and Lawrence Brase as treasurer. Crampton served as PCDI president several years ago and Brase had been the treasurer of the former economic development group for several years.  Ex Officio members include Angie Cue, Lamar’s Community Development Director and Stephanie Gonzales, SECED Executive Director.  The latter two are non-voting positions.  One of the Prowers County Commissioners will also serve on the board.

PEP business manager, Carla Scranton, said that meetings have been changed from the last Tuesday of each month to the first and third Tuesdays at Noon in the Colorado Room at the Rodeway Cow Palace Inn. The change was made to accommodate the need for additional space for the new membership.  The main office, also in the Cow Palace, has not been changed.  The schedule change is not permanent at this time, but only to offer more time for the board to develop a comprehensive job description for a new executive director and continue business as usual until the hire has been finalized, hopefully in the first week of January.

The Committee overseeing the job description and advertisement for a new Executive Director is Linda Lujan, Doug Thrall, Ron Cook, Angie Cue, Aaron Leiker, Lawrence Brase and Anne-Marie Crampton. The Executive Committee is Rick Robbins, Anne-Marie Crampton, Aaron Leiker, Lawrence Brase and Joe Spitz.  Other committees will be assigned as needed.  Other general board members will be comprised of representatives from Wiley, Granada and Holly municipalities, as well as from KVAY Radio, Frontier Bank, Valley National Bank, Prowers Medical Center, High Plains Community Health Center, SECPA/SECOM, Community State Bank and TBK Bank.  The next general meeting is set for noon on October 18th.

By Russ Baldwin

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