City of Lamar June 2016 Tax Report


Halfway through the year, the City of Lamar’s Tax Revenue reports show a continued improvement. Total sales and Use Tax collections for June are up 5.70% for a gain of $17,196, bringing the total to $318,878 for 2016, compared to $301,682 for the previous year.  The 3% City Sales Tax was up 4.75% for the same period for a gain of $13,559.

Year to Date numbers also show an improvement with City Sales Taxes up 2.11% for a gain over last year of $40,032. Sales taxes collected so far this year are at $1,938,814.  Total sales and Use Tax collections did better at 4.99% over last year for a gain of $102,870.  Year to date collections for 2016 are $2,162,454 compared to last year at this same time of $2,059,584.

Grocery stores, motels and restaurants show year to date increases in tax revenue, compared to the past two years. Listed below are the 12 retail trades categories.

2014 2015 2016

Auto Parts/Repair

77,800 88,019 88,148
Building Materials 58,593 59,263


Apparel/Dept Stores

631,926 633,181 631,430
C Stores/Gas 58,951 64,332


All Bus/Electricity

122,899 130,079 157,830
Furn/Appl/Electrncs 13,450 13,220



145,484 154,391 175,435
Motels 79,922 72,997


Liquor Sales

56,058 57,959 60,423
Manufacturing 3,847 8,242


Other Retail

382,327 459,585 409,123
Restaurants 188,838 190,585




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