Lamar’s City Sales Tax Reflects April Increase

Municipal Offices in Lamar

Municipal Offices in Lamar

The City of Lamar’s April Sales and Use Tax collected in May showed gains in both categories for the month and year to date. The 3% monthly City Sales Tax was up 4.34% over last year’s for a gain of $10,514.59.  That’s comparing $252,867.26 for this year to $242,352.67 for last year at this same time.  Total Sales and Use Tax collections were up for the same period at 6.94% for a gain of $18,383 against 2015.

Year to date showed a 1.3% improvement of $17,638 with this year’s total collections at $1,369,322 over 2015’s performance of $1,351,684. Total Sales and Use Tax collections were at $1,553,402 for 2016, compared to last year’s figure of $1,472,441 for an increase of 5.5% or a gain of $80,960.

The monthly comparison of taxes for 12 retail categories indicated a mix of gains and drops over the past three years:

2014 2015 2016
Auto Parts/Repairs 54,597 62,428 60,129
Building Materials 36,820 36,463 43,119
Apparel/Dept Stores 446,848 447,736 447,893
C-Stores/Gas 40,268 45,805 54,953
All Business/Electricity 90,273 98,077 121,679
Furn/Appliance/Electrncs 11,025 10,306 10,169
Grocery Stores 103,547 111,705 124,058
Motels 51,556 46,944 53,176
Liquor Sales 37,883 39,873 42,009
Manufacturing 2,281 5,397 2,970
Restaurants 130,171 131,848 148,484
Other Retail/All Other 327,754 381,302 345,385

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