Garcia Awarded Scholarship

Mitch Garcia - Courtesy Photo

Mitch Garcia – Courtesy Photo

The 2016 Daniel Kasza Memorial 4-H Scholarship was awarded to Mitch Garcia of Las Animas High School.  A ten-year 4-H member, Garcia has been a strong role model and mentor for youth in Bent County and southeast Colorado.   Garcia has exemplified the “Heart” of 4-H as he participated in and led numerous community service projects.   His application and resume showed tremendous involvement in his community along with the 4-H program.  In 4-H, he focused on livestock judging and showing.  He competed at the local to national level in both judging livestock and showing his cattle.  Garcia will attend Garden City Community College, where he will major in Animal Science and compete on the meat judging team.  The 4-H scholarship was open to graduating seniors who were 4-H members in Baca, Bent, Crowley, Cheyenne, Kiowa, Otero and Prowers counties.

The scholarship is given in memory of Daniel Kasza through many generous donations.   A McClave High School graduate, Kasza was a student at Ft Lewis College at the time of his death in June 2009. 4-H had a major impact on his life as he learned to “Make the Best Better”.

Filed Under: AgricultureEducationEventsMedia ReleaseSchoolYouth


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