Public Health Week: How to get to Healthiest Nation 2030
Barbara Crimond | Apr 04, 2016 | Comments 0
[Lamar] – Americans are living 20 years longer than their grandparents’ generation, thanks largely to the work of public health. Still, people in many other high-income countries live longer and suffer fewer health issues than Americans.
The American Public Health Association’s annual observance of National Public Health Week, April 4-10, brings attention to many of the strategies that can help provide everyone the opportunity to be healthy:
- Safe, healthy communities — Health must be a priority in designing our communities, from healthy housing to parks and playgrounds.
- On-time graduation from high school — Education is the leading indicator of good health, giving people access to better jobs, incomes and neighborhoods.
- Economic mobility and health — Poverty and poor health go hand-in-hand.
- Social justice and health — We must remove barriers so everyone has the same opportunity to improve their lives and their health.
- The choice of healthy food — Our food system should provide affordable food with nutritious ingredients, and everyone should have access to it.
- The health effects of climate change — What happens to our environment affects our health.
- Quality health care for everyone — Health reform continues to pursue options for expanded access to quality health care.
- Public health infrastructure and capacity — Strong and consistent funding levels are necessary for the public health system to respond to both everyday health threats and unexpected health emergencies.
Individual action supports system-wide change, so during Public Health Week, consider that a “healthy we” begins with a “healthy me.”
“There is a direct connection between active living and our health” said Tammie Clark, RN, BSN, PCPHE Director. “During public health week, we want to see people making changes in their lives that help lead to health. Making healthier choices about how we travel, eat, live and work will have the added benefit of making us healthier. Our community is very fortunate to have health and wellness as a focus for our healthcare facilities as well. Healthy Places, Prowers Medical Center, Southeast Health Group, and High Plains Community Health Center all contribute to making our community a healthy one.”
Prowers County Public Health & Environment is celebrating all week and encourages area residents to visit the office to see what Public Health is all about.
Gov. John Hickenlooper has proclaimed April 4-10, 2016, Public Health Week in Colorado.
Filed Under: City of Lamar • County • Education • Featured • Health • Media Release • Public Safety
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