PCDI Annual Meeting Set for March 29


The Annual Meeting for Prowers County Development, Inc. (PCDI) has been set for Tuesday, March 29th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Colorado Room at the Cow Palace, 1301 North Main Street, Lamar, CO. There is no admission charge for the Annual Meeting this year.  Cookies, pasties, coffee, iced tea and water will be served prior to the start of the business meeting.

There are four Director slots open, each with a two-year term. Election of these Director positions will be held during the Annual Meeting. Please contact the PCDI office or any Director if you are interested in serving on the PCDI Board of Directors. A list of the current board of directors is listed below.  You must be a Prowers County resident to serve on the board.

Please contact the PCDI Office if you plan to attend the Annual Meeting so that we can plan for adequate seating and refreshments. Thanks.

Current Board of Directors

Rick Robbins, President Aaron Leiker, Vice-President  (Term expiring and seeking re-election)
Kenia Vazquez, Secretary-Treasurer
John Marrin, Director (Term expiring and seeking re-election)
Cindy Otto, Director (Term expiring and seeking re-election)
Ryan Sneller, Director
Doug Thrall, Director (Term expiring and seeking re-election)
Ron Cook, Board of Commissioners Representative
Gerri Jenkins, City of Lamar Representative
Wendy Buxton-Andrade and Henry Schnabel, Prowers County Commissioners

Filed Under: City of GranadaCity of HollyCity of LamarCity of WileyConsumer IssuesCountyEconomyEventsFeaturedMedia Release


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