Granada Has Girls on the Run
Barbara Crimond | Mar 24, 2016 | Comments 0
There are over a dozen girls from Granada who have signed up to represent their school and themselves in a 5k run competition set for Colorado Springs on May 21st. The students, in grades 3 through 6, are part of the Girls on the Run program, according to Morgan Bennett, Prowers County Public Health nurse.
If you’re going to run and run a lot, you need the right type of shoe. The Share the Spirit Foundation and J & N Shoes, downtown Lamar, volunteered to offer team members a track/running shoe of their choice. The team braved Wednesday’s wintery winds to come to town for their selection. Karen Voeple, Co-director of the philanthropic organization, along with board member, Chana Reed, were on hand to coordinate the selection process. Voepel said the donation parallels past shoe giveaway’s that have been a joint program with her group, and Jennifer Steward of J & N Shoes has always stepped up to assist the youth of our region.
Bennett said this is the first year for Girls on the Run, which is a state-wide program which encourages physical fitness and promotes self-esteem among young girls. “This helps teach confidence, develops team leaders and helps eliminate the ‘mean-girls’ syndrome that can start to develop with this age group,” she explained. Bennett said there are 2,000 participants throughout Colorado, but they are mostly found along the Front Range, adding, “Granada is the first satellite group and the only rural entry in the entire state program.” There are usually 16 girls to a school team and Granada has 15 members for a first year venture.
Bennett added that it’s not just strictly a running event, “Girls are allowed to skip, hop or even dance the 5k event if they want, whatever they choose to do so long as they cross the finish line at the end. It’s not so much winning as participating and improving their health and outlook on outdoor activities.” She said that family and friends can accompany the contestants in the May event which will be held in Denver and the Granada team will be at the North Monument Valley Park for their entry. She thanked the Granada school system for encouraging the girls to run and for the transportation needed for May. Bennett said there should be a next year for the runners, with plans for an Eads team in the fall and Granada in the spring. “A lot depends of having some coaches to help the girls with the program,” she explained and said if anyone is interested in helping out, call the Prowers County Public Health office at 719-336-8721 and ask for her or Whitney Barnett.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: City of Granada • Education • Featured • Health • School • Sports • Youth
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