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Lamar Lions Club receives donation from Two Shot Goose Hunt towards flag project

Lamar Lions Club receives donation from Two Shot Goose Hunt towards flag project

Pictured, left to right:  Leslie Stager with the Colorado Welcome Center, Lion John Davis, Lions Club president Travis Melton, Roseann Yates with the Two Shot and Lion Gordon Guihen The Lamar Lions Club recently received a generous donation from the Two Shot Goose Hunt to be used towards its flag project at the Colorado Welcome […]

Lamar Lions Club Has New Meeting Location

Lamar Lions Club Has New Meeting Location

The Lamar Lions Club has changed its meeting location to the Colorado Room at the Historic Cow Palace.  The group meets at noon the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month.  

Lamar Lions Club Honors Don Ater for 60 Years of Service

Lamar Lions Club Honors Don Ater for 60 Years of Service

  For nearly 100 years, the Lamar Lions Club has been providing help to the community and Southeast Colorado. The members and their dedication is what make all of our activities possible. Lamar resident, Don Ater, is the classic example of a Lion who embraces these ideals. He was recently honored for his 60 years […]