RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "ACC"

New Funding Criteria Considered by LRA

New Funding Criteria Considered by LRA

    The Lamar Redevelopment Authority Board considered a funding application from Anderson and Company PC this past Monday, May 13th, but decided to fund a portion, not the full request for HVAC and roof replacements. Angie Cue, Community Development Director, approached the board with the request for $6,603 which would be applied to the […]

Progress Update on Lamar’s Main Street Project

Progress Update on Lamar’s Main Street Project

    American Civil Constructors released updated information concerning roadwork on Main Street in Lamar as the third and fourth phases of the project move forward. The press release states that Phase III  and the west side of Phase IV will be completed within the month of November and move on the east side of Phase IV which […]

Downtown Road Construction Moving to East Side

Downtown Road Construction Moving to East Side

    Renovations on Main Street in Lamar should switch to the eastern lanes between Oak and Beech Streets in May, according to a spokesperson for American Civil Constructors. Crews are completing the concrete operations in the western most lanes and preparing to move traffic in a head-to-head pattern on the western lanes. There will […]

Main Street Construction Moving Northwards to Downtown Area

Main Street Construction Moving Northwards to Downtown Area

  “We’re going to switch gears a little bit and start on sections from Beech to Oak, so as soon as we get completed from Park to Oak which will begin around the start of February, we’re going to tackle the downtown Lamar sections,” explained Tony Gregorich of American Civil Constructors to the Lamar City […]

New Lights for Main Street

New Lights for Main Street

Lamar residents are now noticing some changes along Main Street; new light poles placed along the sidewalks instead of the center median. The new LED lights will cut back on electrical costs while the old ones, situated along the center median, are to be stored at the Lamar Light Plant.  Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh, […]

Main Street Renovations are Ready to Roll

Main Street Renovations are Ready to Roll

Look for the long-anticipated Main Street renovation project in Lamar to begin in February. A standing room only capacity crowd attended the CDOT open house briefing at the Cultural Events Center Thursday evening, January 19, to hear the plans from American Civil Constructors, the firm hired to conduct the renovation work, a project that will run […]