Lamar RE-2 Board Meeting of July 8, 2024
Barbara Crimond | Jul 09, 2024 | Comments 0
Board members Shannon O’Bryan and Travis Hall were not able to attend the meeting of July 8. The board had a relatively short agenda for the evening. The revised agenda as well as meeting minutes from June 10 were approved unanimously.
Superintendent Dr. Chad Krug updated the board on progress with the new stadium. He said that everything is on schedule and a projected completion date for September is feasible. He stated that they are very comfortable with where they are with the project. Turf work is nearing completion. Tile wall board for the restrooms was installed today and tile work will begin very soon. The bleachers are mostly finished and should be done within the next 10 days. The Ag building is also underway, with concrete slabs already poured and curing.
There were no legislative or BOCES updates. In unfinished business, the board voted to approve the second reading of the cell phone policy update as well as the second reading of the student dress code policy.
There was discussion regarding the recent fuel bids for diesel fuel that were between Pit Stop and Wallace Gas & Oil. Wallace had the lower of the two bids and the board decided to consider accepting the Wallace bid with some contingencies. Board member Jake Chamberlain suggested that they “switch it up a bit” this year, referring to selecting Wallace over Pit Stop since both businesses are good, local businesses and that they would like to support both (the bid has been awarded to Pit Stop the past few years).
Several personnel hirings were approved unanimously, for several teaching, paraprofessional, coaching, custodial and special education positions, in addition to a new music teacher for LHS.
In Dr. Krug’s Superintendent Report, he informed the board that the district’s financial picture is very good with a sizeable amount of interest accrued. Dr. Krug and board members attended a retreat on June 19th where time was spent on the district’s strategic plan. Part of this plan going forward will involve the formation of an ARC, or Athletic Review Committee. Other school districts who have implemented these committees have met with good success. Planned for our district is a 5-member panel comprised of one Board member and 4 community members. The premise for the committee is to provide a cohesive policy regarding student athletes, focusing on sportsmanship and awareness of the positives that sports provide that go beyond winning and losing. The committee would take some of the work off the shoulders of coaches when controversies or problems arise, he said. The hope is that student athletes leave school with a broader experience, shared core values and who go on to become good stewards and citizens from this experience. This can be achieved by having participated in an environment where they and teammates are supported and where they feel secure with how the culture of the sports community is shaped. Board member Jerrod Grice remarked that smaller districts like Lamar have more multi-sport athletes than larger ones which can present more challenges due to time commitments and who could benefit from such a committee and its oversight. Dr. Krug agreed and stated that a committee like this can help make conversations between coaches easier so that students aren’t under constant pressure to focus on only one sport, as they will be able to work together for the good of the student athlete. He emphasized that they don’t want to “undo success” but rather contribute to it by being flexible and having a central decision-making panel. He also stressed that they don’t want to jump into it too quickly to ensure they get the most appropriate people on the committee. The panel would include having at least one woman who could possibly bring a different perspective. The board expects this committee to evolve and grow with experience with each coming school year.
He said that he has had conversations with city employees regarding using the old stadium for youth sports so that the public doesn’t perceive the district of having abandoned it, as the district feels it still has a strong place in the community and should be used as such. He then told the board about a planned October 16th event for middle and high school students, who will have the opportunity to hear Will Jimeno speak. Mr. Jimeno is one of the last First Responder survivors of the 9-11 attack to be pulled from the wreckage and has a story of resiliency and hope to share. His story fits in with the district’s current student theme of how to motivate students who may lack motivation as well as how to maintain that motivation in students already possessing it. Dr. Krug gave “all the credit” for the event to Doug Harbour with the 9-11 Tribute Committee who came up with the idea after meeting Mr. Jimeno and hearing his story. Details are still being worked as to which other districts may attend. The event will be held at the Community Building.
By: Barbara Crimond
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