Buffalo Soldier Presentation July 13 – sponsored by Bent’s Fort Chapter of SFT

The Bent’s Fort Chapter will meet at the Rocky Ford Grand Theatre on July 13 to hear a presentation on the Buffalo Soldiers. The featured speaker will be Dennis Moore of Colorado Springs. The presentation will begin at 1:00 pm at the Grand Theatre in Rocky Ford, 405 S. Main St.

Dennis Moore

Dennis is a founding member of the Buffalo Soldiers Memorial Committee in Colorado Springs. The Committee is dedicated to the preservation and commemoration of the role the Buffalo Soldiers had in Colorado. Buffalo Soldiers Company “L” Ninth U. S. Cavalry served atthe Fort Lyon Cavalry Post. Dennis has provided over 50 Buffalo Soldiers presentations since 2014.

The Buffalo Soldiers Regiments served with distinction and dedication during the Indian Wars, settling of the west, and Spanish American War that helped to lead to the integration of the U.S. by Executive Order No. 9981 on July 26, 1948.
This event is free and open to the public. Learning more about the Buffalo Soldiers should be of interest to young and old alike.
Membership in the Bent’s Fort Chapter is $15 per year. To find out more about the event or the Chapter, please email bentsfortchapterSFTA@gmail.com. The Bent’s Fort Chapter of the Santa Fe Trail Association is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to protect and preserve the Santa Fe Trail and to promote awareness of the historical legacy

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