RE2 Board of Education hears of Stadium Updates, Principal Updates at Regular Meeting March 18, 2024
Barbara Crimond | Mar 19, 2024 | Comments 0
Andy Fahrmeier with Hutton Construction gave an update to the RE2 School Board at the March 18, 2024 meeting, regarding the field turf portion of the new stadium construction project. Specifically discussed was if the Board wished to add graphics to the turf. The asphalt and concrete projects are well under budget, allowing for the upgrade to be made and still remain well within budget. The Board voted unanimously to add these graphics. One end zone will read “Lamar” and the other “Thunder” in the school colors of orange and black. In addition, there will be a mascot logo at center field. The Board will make a decision soon as to which of 2 logos to use. Input from the student board members was taken into consideration and they will be a part of the decision-making process. Mr. Fahrmeier also said Hutton Construction was recommending the Board approve the bids by Dunlap Construction of Garden City and Wichita Concrete for two components of the stadium project.
School updates were given by Kenny Davis, Washington Elementary Principal and Mat Biszak, Parkview Elementary Principal. Mr. Davis shared that the school’s recent parent-teacher conferences had a 92% attendance rate. The school’s “food table” with food donated by Ron Clausen saw many families receive free food as they needed during the event as well. Families were able to purchase school t-shirts and hoodies at reduced prices (all students received free shirts earlier in the school year.) Just before spring break, the school hosted a career dress-up day as students explored various professions through costumes of their choosing (pictures are available on the school’s Facebook page, which is run by teacher Lisa Chamberlain.) The school boasts a smart TV in the entrance displaying a Powerpoint presentation in both English and Spanish. Upcoming field trips for Washington students include a trip to the Garden City Zoo on April 10 for kindergarteners, a trip to Syracuse Dairy Farm for first graders, and a trip to Cave of the Winds for second graders, tying in to science lessons. Mr. Biszak announced that the school’s spring fundraising event raised between $1,500-2,000 to be used for the purchase of school supplies for families who struggle to afford providing same. The school held a career fair on March 6, at which 19 different presenters came to the school to speak to students about careers including hair and nails, food service & hospitality, wind energy, police and sheriff roles, construction, public works, forest service and more. The following day, the fifth grade students traveled to Lamar Community College for a college tour and a fun scavenger hunt to enable students to explore all the departments. The fifth graders are also taking micro field trips around Lamar.
The Board approved, on second reading, the District’s Mission Statement. They also approved: the first reading of Policy ICA-E (the 24-25 District Calendar), the ELA Curriculum Adoption, the Cave of the Winds field trip for Washington second graders on May 1, the State Science Fair trip on April 11 and the trip for Parkview GT students on March 28 (in which the students will visit the Paralympic Museum and Garden of the Gods).
During the meeting, the Board met in an Executive Session to discuss the expulsion of a middle school student. When the regular meeting reconvened, they voted to uphold the expulsion. Resignations were accepted for two paraprofessional positions. Three new hirings were approved, for substitute teachers as well as for the position of Head Baseball Coach at LHS. Superintendent and Administrative contracts were approved as well before the meeting adjourned.
The next meeting for the RE2 Board of Education will be Monday, April 8 at 5:30 pm.
By Barbara Crimond
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