Betty Hawkins will celebrate 100th Birthday March 13

Betty Hawkins, who currently resides at the Holly Nursing Center will celebrate her 100th birthday on March 13.  Betty and her husband Charles (who passed away in 2023 at the age of 101) were married in Pennsylvania after Charles returned to the U.S. after serving his country during World War II.  One of his buddies had a picture of Betty and it was love at first sight for Charles. They moved to Colorado (where Charles had grown up) and lived in Caddoa while raising their 4 children.  They were married for 78 years.

A family birthday party for Betty will be held on March 10th.   Her family would love it if people could send Betty birthday cards for her to enjoy.  Her mailing address is:

Betty Hawkins

P.O. Box 636

Holly, CO  81047

Happy Birthday, Betty!!

By Barbara Crimond

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