City of Lamar Activities Update
Barbara Crimond | Dec 18, 2023 | Comments 0
December’s Common Grounds featured our Parks, Recreation & Cemeteries Department. Director Anthony LaTour, Recreation Supervisor Tyndan Marquez, and Parks Foreman Drew Griego provided updates on upcoming events, activities, and projects for the new year.
With generous donations from Brannan Aggregate and Lamar Rotary, Parks & Rec are joining with the Street Department, Lamar Light & Power, and Lamar High School Student Council to re-landscape the median at Savage & Thunder. Anthony also mentioned the Polar Bear Bike Ride scheduled for January 1st at 1 pm, where participants of all ages can enjoy a ride and warm up with a warm bowl of chili afterwards. Parks & Rec is also making plans to add a new dog park in 2024.

Earlier Rider at LCB
Marquez provided updates on the recent basketball camp with 123 sixth-grade participants. He announced the upcoming registrations for youth basketball, youth wrestling, and men & women’s basketball.
Registration information is available on the City website or at the Community Building. He emphasized the urgent need for volunteers, particularly referees and umpires, encouraging interested individuals to contact him. Marquez also expressed the department’s interest in incorporating arts and music into their programs, welcoming ideas on how to integrate more diverse activities.
Representing both parks and cemeteries, Griego informed attendees about the start of tree trimming season. Crews will trim trees in parks, cemeteries, and around city buildings. He also stressed the importance of new signage at the cemeteries to enhance visibility and accessibility. They will begin new guidelines for items placed around headstones on January 1.
Filed Under: City of Lamar • Featured • Media Release
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