USDA Farm Labor Report
Barbara Crimond | Nov 22, 2023 | Comments 0
There were 18,000 workers hired directly by farms in the Mountain II Region (Colorado, Nevada, and Utah) during the reference week
of October 8-14, 2023, according to the Agricultural Labor Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National
Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Farm operators paid their hired workers an average wage rate of $17.49 per hour, compared with
$16.85 in October 2022. The number of hours worked averaged 43.5 for hired workers during the reference week, compared with
41.9 hours in October 2022. Field workers averaged $17.44 per hour, livestock workers averaged $15.59 per hour, and field and livestock
workers combined earned an average of $16.59 per hour.
During the reference week of July 9-15, 2023, there were 21,000 workers hired directly by farms in the Mountain II Region. Farm
operators paid their hired workers an average wage rate of $17.62 per hour, compared with $17.46 in July 2022. The number of hours
worked averaged 42.9 for hired workers during the reference week, compared with 41.0 hours in July 2022. Field workers averaged
$17.34 per hour, livestock workers averaged $16.15 per hour, and field and livestock workers combined earned an average of $16.88 per
Filed Under: Agriculture • Consumer Issues • Economy • Employment • Featured • Media Release
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