Barbara Crimond | Nov 09, 2023 | Comments 0
Based on November 1 conditions, corn production in Colorado is forecast at 132.68 million bushels, according to the November 1 Agricultural Yield Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. This forecast is down 3 percent from the October 1 forecast but up 12 percent from last year’s 118.58-million-bushel crop. Harvested area, forecast at 1.07 million acres, is unchanged from last month but is up 90,000 acres from last year. Average yield, forecast at 124.0 bushels per acre, is down 4.0 bushels from the October 1 forecast but is up 3.0 bushels from last year. As of October 29, the corn crop condition was rated 5 percent very poor, 11 percent poor, 28 percent fair, 44 percent good, and 12 percent excellent. Producers had harvested 68 percent of the corn crop for grain, compared with 43 percent last year and the 5-year average of 59 percent. Sorghum production in 2023 is forecast at 20.25 million bushels, unchanged from the October 1 forecast but 166 percent above the 7.60 million bushel crop produced a year earlier. Harvested area, forecast at 405,000 acres, is unchanged from last month but is up 25,000 acres from last year. Average yield is forecast at 50.0 bushels per acre, unchanged from the October 1 forecast but 30.0 bushels above last year’s final yield. As of October 29, the sorghum crop condition was rated 1 percent very poor, 7 percent poor, 10 percent fair, 78 percent good, and 4 percent excellent. Producers had harvested 68 percent of the crop for grain, compared with 62 percent last year and the 5-year average of 64 percent. Sugarbeet production is forecast at 581,000 tons, up 3 percent from the October 1 forecast but down 1 percent from the 588,000 tons produced in 2022. Harvested area, forecast at 20,600 acres, is up 100 acres from last year. Yields are expected to average 28.2 tons per acre, up 0.9 ton from the October 1 forecast but down from 28.7 tons a year ago. As of October 29, producers had harvested 86 percent of the sugarbeet crop, compared with 58 percent last year and the 5-year average of 79 percent. Potato growers in Colorado expect to produce 21.4 million hundredweight of potatoes this year, down less than one half of one percent from last year’s crop. Average yield, at 390 hundredweight per acre, decreased 15 hundredweight per acre from the yield realized last year. Harvested area, estimated at 54,800 acres, is up from the 52,900 acres harvested last year. Ff
For a full copy of the Crop Production report, please visit
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