Motorists and Pedestrians Share Responsibility When Sharing the Road


October is National Pedestrian Safety Month, and the Colorado State Patrol wants motorists and pedestrians to do their part as they share the road. According to statewide statistics, 2022 was a record-setting year for pedestrian fatalities with 111 people killed on Colorado roadways, representing 15% of the state’s total traffic fatalities.

When looking at 2022 citations involving pedestrians issued by Colorado State Troopers, the most common motorist violation was failing to yield right-of-way to a pedestrian in a crosswalk (20 citations). When the Colorado State Patrol looked at the top citations involving pedestrians from 2022, numerous citations with pedestrian at-fault had increased from 2021. Most doubled or tripled in amount.

“We expect our motorists to share the road; however, it is equally important for bicyclists, joggers, dog walkers and kids to be predictable pedestrians,” stated Col. Matthew C. Packard, Chief of the Colorado State Patrol. “It’s easy to blame drivers, but they are not always responsible for these crashes. Pedestrians can reduce the chance of a preventable tragedy by following traffic rules designed for everyone’s safety.”

Looking at fatal and injury crashes involving pedestrians or bicyclists investigated by the Colorado State Patrol, neighborhood streets or rural roads were the most common locations where crashes occurred. Wednesday through Saturday had the most pedestrian/bicycle crashes with the highest frequency of crashes occurring during the 7 a.m. hour, the typical lunch hours 11 – noon, and the 7 p.m. hour.

“If you are walking, running or riding, please stay alert,” stated Chief Packard. “Do not allow technology to distract you and make eye contact with the drivers around you before you step out into the crosswalk. Look, listen and watch out for each other!”

Filed Under: EducationEnvironmentFeaturedHealthMedia ReleasePublic SafetyTransportation


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