Letter to the Editor: What Does the Friends of the NRA Do?
Barbara Crimond | Sep 29, 2023 | Comments 0
Some people have asked what the Friends of the NRA does. We hold between 20-25 dinners throughout the state to raise money for grants that are given out each year. Hal of the money that is raised stays in the state and the other half goes to the National friends of NRA. The money that we have to give out in grants stays I southeast Colorado, Baca, Kiowa and Prowers Counties. Baca county has received grant monies for the past 16 years, Kiowa County has received grant money for 5 years and Prowers County has received money for 2-3 years.
The half that stays in state is given out in grants to youth programs such as 4-H shooting sports, boys and girls scouts shooting sports, youth shooting sports, high school shooting sports, college shooting sports, women in shooting, grant development and improvement, education, training, Eddie Eagle program and some law enforcement equipment and training.
At the national level, the money is used for national events such as the national 4-H shoot, the International Youth Hunter Education Challenge International Boy and Girls Scouts Jamborees, national women in shooting events, the Collegiate National Shoot Gun Shot, range development improvements.
Here are some of the things that can be gotten, .22 ammo, shotgun shells, .22 target for both pistol and rifle, steel targets for .22, archery targets both paper and 3-D, pellets and targets for air rifle and pistol and clay targets for shotgun.
The way that everyone can help is by coming to one of our dinners and buying items on the auction, live and silent or the bucket drawings. Other ways are by underwriting items that we have that will be used at the dinner or by being a sponsor.
Friends of the NRA is a 501C3, which is non-political. Money raised at the dinners stays in the non-profit/non-political area of NRA. For more information, contact Dennis at 719-529-9819 or by email at dennis81073@gmail.com
Filed Under: Letters to the Editor
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