Letter to the Editor, Jay Brooke Candidate for Ward One, City of Lamar
Barbara Crimond | Sep 25, 2023 | Comments 0

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(The Prowers Journal has extended an invitation to allow all local candidates for government office to present their own position statement as to why they wish to serve on the Lamar City Council.)
Jay Brooke is planning on “Shaking things up a bit” and running for your Council Ward One representative. His wife, Francene, and he have been devoted residents of Lamar since 1986. They raised two children, Candy and Rob, here and plan to live out their life in this great community.
Being a community-minded person, Jay decided to pursue a position on the Lamar City Council because he believes he can contribute his experience, knowledge and wisdom to help make Lamar even better. Lamar has been very good to Jay’s family, and he would like to share what he has been fortunate enough to learn to benefit the great citizens of this area. Jay believes there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed, and he has valuable skills to address them. Jay has compassion, leadership, strong fiscal conservativeness, commitment to excellence, accountability, a passion for Lamar, and belief in a healthy community.
As a man of many talents, Jay has had the opportunity to be a husband, father, soldier, therapist, CEO, member of dozens of Boards, founder of three local non-profits, grant writer, and owner of two small businesses. Each of these roles provided Jay with valuable tools and knowledge for Lamar, its existing and future businesses, and, most-importantly, for all of its citizens.
As your elected Councilman for Ward One, Jay will bring leadership that will focus on what’s best for the citizens and businesses of Lamar without any conflicts of interest or personal gain. He is a very common-sense person who can look at the facts, sort out the static, and make decisions that benefit Lamar and its citizens. His financial experience will assist him in sorting out the history of the past spending by Lamar’s leaders and assuring our tax dollars are spent judiciously and responsibly. His values will ensure that ethical decisions are made for all people of Lamar. Jay is the right choice for Ward One!
Filed Under: Elections • Letters to the Editor
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