Letter to the Editor:  Candidate Jenkins for Lamar City Council

Ballot Box

(The Prowers Journal has extended an invitation to allow all local candidates for government office to present their own position statement as to why they wish to serve on the Lamar City Council or Re-2 School Board.)

As the upcoming city council elections approach, it is crucial that we choose a candidate with a proven track record of commitment to our wonderful town of Lamar.  This person should have experience in the implementation of smart fiscal management, as well as someone who holds a deep understanding of our communities diverse needs.  I strongly believe that I, Gerry Jenkins, am the person for the job.

Over the last decade, I have worked tirelessly to advocate for the town of Lamar by serving on the City Council with dedication and distinction.  My steadfast belief in smart spending has consistently translated into polices that benefit all residents of Lamar regardless of background.  In this day and age, every cent counts, and I will continue to work diligently to ensure that our hard-earned money is invested wisely in our community’s growth and well-being.

My unwavering commitment to the people of Lamar has always set me apart, and I believe that every resident deserves to have their voice heard, their rights protected, and their concerns addressed promptly.  I am a woman of integrity who refuses to make promises I cannot keep.  When presented with issues by citizens, I never shy away.  Instead, I roll up my sleeves and get to work on finding collaborative solutions.  My commitment to the town and people of Lamar is most perfectly mirrored through my service on numerous boards and committees.  My dedication to the progress of Lamar is rooted in my love for the people of our community.  In a world where politics can be divisive, we must foster diversity and inclusiveness to create a healthy and respectful environment.  This ensures that Lamar remains a welcoming and harmonious community for all.

My husband, Don Jenkins and I have called this community home for the last 33 years.  We raised two children in Lamar, Michael and Monica (Husband Gareth), and have been blessed with two beautiful grandchildren.  I am passionate about keeping Lamar a place where future generations can thrive, just like my family has.

As we head to the polls this November, let’s choose the candidate who embodies experience, dedication and a profound love for Lamar and its residents.  I have led us forward during my 9-year tenure on City Council, and if reelected, I can ensure that our town remains a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family.  Together we can build a brighter future for our beloved community.


Gerry Jenkins
Lamar, CO
Candidate for City Council, Ward II

Filed Under: ElectionsLetters to the Editor

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